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Welcome to International Organization of Local Government Gallery . Browse through the photos below to get a glimpse of what we do.
IOLG President Dr. ARFAOUI AHLEM have been invited by the United nation university to attend the academic meeting about ‘’Unlocking Potential: Mobilizing Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking”

IOLG President Dr. ARFAOUI AHLEM participation in the UN in the UNGA 74: Alliances for Action: Partnerships for transformative value chains organized by international trade

In the framework of the international initiative " leave no one behind" for the disabled under the title "No to exclusion, we are all involved for a better tomorrow", Dr. Ahlam Arfaoui, President of the International Organization for Local Governance, accompanied by her delegation Dr. Kelani Ben Hamouda, International Advisor in Charge of Special Needs and Attorney Ehab Al-Tartir Official visit to the Sultanate of Oman over a period of three days in order to get acquainted with the pioneering experience of the Sultanate of Oman under the patronage of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. Sustainable in several area.

As part of the visit of the Tunisian Foreign Minister to the United States of America, a meeting was held between his Excellency and the President of the Organization at the Tunisian Embassy in Washington.

IOLG President participate today to celebrating the Local & regional Governments day : Listen to cities helded in UN New York.

IOLG President participate today in the global leadership summit that is held in Washington with partnership between the UNA and the Congress. @ Capitol Building Washington DC USA

Conference about women’s entrepreneurship and empowerment in Africa with the presence of ministre of lybiria, Cameroon , syrelanca , Nigeria @ UN, NY

The 28th International Conference on Health and Environment @ ECOSOC, UN, NY

International Training Course " Emotional Intelligence help us build a better world and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?"
@ UN Academy NY

Regional Seminar on "Governance and Local Democracy" @ Jamal Monastir Tunisia 01/2018

Meeting Between IOLG President and IOLG Libya' Branch 01/2018

Conference " Year Of return in Africa Union African Diaspora 6th région declaration and gender perspective" @ African Union Mession NY


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